It's all about MEEEE!!!

My photo
Grahamstown/Durban/Johannesburg - catch me if you can..., South Africa
Lots of words rhyme with my name(hence the highly original signature above); I'm easily obsessed with anything that catches my attention; I have to have 7 ice cubes in my drink; I LOVE animals - especially my dogs, yes I do make kissy faces at them, don't hate; I'm useless at keeping up with current affairs, yet perfectly capable of keeping up with celebrity news; I hate crowds and bananas; I don't like House music; I love buying things, but i don't like throwing things away; I believe people need something to believe in; I think I know everything; If Eward existed, he would not look like Robert Pattinson, That Harry Potter epilogue destroyed everything; I bet HP is actually gay and shacks up with Draco Malfoy and finds out that Snape is his real father... ...and all those other cliched cliches. I like cake; but if you're going to bribe me, do it with chocolate. Or money.

Saturday 3 March 2012

Today This Girl dies of procrastination

...symptoms include: repetitive use of the phrase "I'll do it later/just now/tomorrow, etc.; sudden impulses to complete tasks other than the one you're currently worried about that you've been putting off; slight self-hatred and guilt.  
What a clichéd way to start a post after I've been gone for so long. I'm sorry. I should have put more effort in. After all, if I'm going to be skipping work to do a post, it might as well be a good one, right? Can't make any promises though - I've realised how useless I am in terms of consistency.

I’m not quite giving myself enough credit though. We’re about 3 weeks into a new year and term and I already feel like I’m keeping up with the workload. It just depends on your definition of ‘keeping up’. See, there are a couple; one is similar to going for a jog - you're pacing yourself and making good time. Another can be compared to all those American movies depicting a character racing frantically after a train, jumping on just before they would faceplant on the gravel. I don’t think that would work anymore though, I’ve become woefully unfit (a mere 1½ months away from my 21st birthday). Plus those scenarios are completely ridiculous - why are those trains always so old fashioned anyway? I’m pretty sure that trains don’t have balconies on the back anymore these days… But I digress. 

I’ve been slaving over a desk in my little bat cave these past couple of weeks which mostly narrows down to me trying to stay abreast of the Chinese situation – a marginally successful endeavour.  When it comes to the social scene, however this year is BOSS.

In this case, on the weekends I join up with other people who have been working too hard and everyone just gets smashed. It’s so great. Seeing overworked schmucks getting more drunk than is wise and lunging at each other in misplaced lust (Friars – I’m talking about you, yes) is how I would imagine watching two drunken elephant-giraffe hybrids trying to hook up feels like. But we don’t judge here. Well, not to your face anyway.

To cheer everyone up, I have TWO glorious videos for you all to watch. One is Somebody I used to Know by Gotye:

The next one is the exact same song, but this group is just amaZING! Five people playing on one guitar; need I say more?
Somebody I Used to Know - Walk Off the Earth

By the way, whilst looking for the correct spelling of ‘schmuck’, I came across its definition – ‘the foreskin that is removed from the penis during a circumcision’. I’m not really quite sure how I feel about using that word anymore.

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