It's all about MEEEE!!!

My photo
Grahamstown/Durban/Johannesburg - catch me if you can..., South Africa
Lots of words rhyme with my name(hence the highly original signature above); I'm easily obsessed with anything that catches my attention; I have to have 7 ice cubes in my drink; I LOVE animals - especially my dogs, yes I do make kissy faces at them, don't hate; I'm useless at keeping up with current affairs, yet perfectly capable of keeping up with celebrity news; I hate crowds and bananas; I don't like House music; I love buying things, but i don't like throwing things away; I believe people need something to believe in; I think I know everything; If Eward existed, he would not look like Robert Pattinson, That Harry Potter epilogue destroyed everything; I bet HP is actually gay and shacks up with Draco Malfoy and finds out that Snape is his real father... ...and all those other cliched cliches. I like cake; but if you're going to bribe me, do it with chocolate. Or money.

Like Byron, yet not...

This neat little page over here is for my dismal somewhat inspiring absolutely amazing poetry. Read with an open mind...

Crystal Pool of Lies
There They are, just beneath the surface
tumultuous roiling
yet leave no mark above.
They cannot be seen;
They cannot be heard
but wait for the vulnerable heart to
expose itself,
before exploding in a shower
of crystal shards -
Piercing the heart til crimson spills,
faster than the salt tinged drops that follow

Earth Notes

Hush, hush
The hummingbird sings
On wings trembling for the first spring.
Tendrils of voice reach over a breeze
Sailors straining for the land they see.

Plain words made melancholy, tonight
the bard’s mood leans to abrupt.
Untouched, a baby lies
Eye to eye
Mother rocking,
Until he falls so softly into a sleep
Into a dream, so deep:

The Fear
I’m scared
I’m scared of the dark
I’m scared of failing
I’m scared of feeling incomplete
I’m scared to be myself
I’m scared of becoming ‘it’.

I’m scared
I’m scared of losing my ambition
I’m scared of opening myself up to someone
Perfect, only to have it broken again
I’m scared,
And I’m tired

I’m tired of feeling lonely in a crowded room
I’m tired of breaking down alone
I’m tired of thinking about my future
I’m tired of worrying about what will happen
If I don’t

I’m tired
I’m tired of feeling suffocated
I’m tired of pretending
I’m tired of trying to try
I’m tired of waiting for someone who is supposed to make me feel better

Because they’re never going to come.

Shut Up

There is a voice
deep in my heart
And it longs to connect
with the outside world
and to tell the stories of my soul

riding the tails
of favourite music notes
telling of the amazing imagery
of favourite books
delving the strange preferneces
of favourite foods.

carelessy singing, reading
recklessly tasting, touching
see through whole new eyes
of Life.

lungs take in air,
mouth pursing
But I stop.

As I realise
that it doesn't matter what message
their hands or noses or mouths convey
because their eyes tell a truth
that the others could never match
and the patronising dismissal
is enough to shut me up

smaller than Life itself

It is small,
no bigger than the nail on my thumb,
but it causes epiphanies.
And heartaches,
And confusion,
And joy,
It is Life.

Life that grows and shapes itself
Until you can only sit and wonder…
While at the same time wonder why.

one seed,
Made from one act
And can result
In happiness
Or cause a sadness so deep
That it eats at you
And makes a black hole yawn open
As it tries to swallow your entire being.

Even when that Life grows
In someone other than yourself,
You feel…connected, somehow.
And then it’s gone.


I can see you sitting in front of me.
I can see the obvious.

I can see the seen.
pride in the tilt of your chin;
health in the shine of your hair and the fullness of your cheeks.
wealth in the clothes that you are wearing
happiness in the slant of your lips.

I can see the unseen.
education in the intelligence in your eyes.
determination in the way you hold yourself
your hope in the fullness of your heart.

I can see the seen.
weariness in the shadows under your eyes.
your burdens in the slump of your shoulders
stress in the crease between your brows.

I can see the unseen.
invisible tracks of pain
running rusty paths down your cheeks
the map of emotions
that have crossed your face in years past.
I can see the raw wounds of a naïveté shattered.

We can see.
We are poetry.
We can see the truth.

They can see the obvious.
They can see the seen.
our pride in the tilt of our chins;
our health in the shine of our hair and the fullness of our cheeks.
our wealth in the clothes that we are wearing
our happiness in the slant of our lips.

but We can see the unseen.
our education in the intelligence in each other’s eyes.
determination in the way we hold ourselves
our hope in the fullness of our hearts.
We can see.
We can see.


Innocent laughter rises up from between the bars
Passing through the plastic solar system.
It’s planets replaced by small, yellow bears
And striped, orange tigers
The love of all reaching through to surround
Like the warm of the soft blanket, wrapped up like a cocoon.

concrete, laid down, solidarity incarnate
a long road yet to be travelled
countless number of feet
Big and small
pushing on through violently
cracks sprint along the length
Some deep
Some long
Some shallow
some short.
Robbing power and strength .

Barriers erected
walls are built
No passing allowed
I will be barren

...Well, that's all the poetry I've got for you for now - all written during the many angsty teenage years. Don't know when the next one will come along, I only ever write when something particularly inspires me, otherwise all I come up with is pure garbage...


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