It's all about MEEEE!!!

My photo
Grahamstown/Durban/Johannesburg - catch me if you can..., South Africa
Lots of words rhyme with my name(hence the highly original signature above); I'm easily obsessed with anything that catches my attention; I have to have 7 ice cubes in my drink; I LOVE animals - especially my dogs, yes I do make kissy faces at them, don't hate; I'm useless at keeping up with current affairs, yet perfectly capable of keeping up with celebrity news; I hate crowds and bananas; I don't like House music; I love buying things, but i don't like throwing things away; I believe people need something to believe in; I think I know everything; If Eward existed, he would not look like Robert Pattinson, That Harry Potter epilogue destroyed everything; I bet HP is actually gay and shacks up with Draco Malfoy and finds out that Snape is his real father... ...and all those other cliched cliches. I like cake; but if you're going to bribe me, do it with chocolate. Or money.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Today This Girl Dies of a Stubbed Toe

The heading is pretty much self-explanatory...Well, it actually happened on Sunday, but you get the gist. The scene of the crime was my res room, and I was having a particularly messy weekend. Now I do want to iterate that so far I've been really good - I do my laundry once a week, I've been fairly consistent with dish washing, I vacuum every now and then, make my bed and make sure my work area's really tidy. Then this weekend struck and it was hell-in-a-handbasket personified. I had just done a load of laundry and, instead of folding it and putting it away, I dumped it near enough to my door that I had to step on the pile to get out the door. Either that or do a cool little maneuver to swing my way over. Yes, I know - don't look at me in that tone of voice - just plain idiot-tactics right there. To give myself a little leeway, it was 11pm and I was tired, I'd do it the next morning.

Next morning woke me up with the usual (see Today This Girl dies of boredom - opening sentence) and I tumbled towards the door to the bathroom. Coming back into my room, I opened the door, swung my left foot over the pile of clothes, swiped some away with my right foot when the door wouldn't close, and then promptly forgot that my right foot existed. That had to be it, I can't think of any other reason why I would have left my foot in the path of an oncoming door. The oncoming door corner. Right at the fourth toe of my right foot, it was like slow motion - faint screaming in my head, one of those Hollywood-tastic 'Nooooooooooooo!'s and then a rebound as the door hits the victim. Who knew something so small could contain so much pain.

Broken (at least in spirit, if not the actual bones) toes aside, how was your weekend? Mine was pretty surreal - Claire and I went out on Friday to a digs house-warming party. It was interesting to say the least. People drifted in and out of groups, dubbstepped in the little garage, waved around to some alternative in the massive lounge and drank some punch. Philip - a mutual friend of ours - was also floated to and fro; he actually came with us to the party in the boot of the car that took us there. Not an open boot, an actual closed off one. Ahh the joys of youthful weirdness. We all migrated to our local favourite eventually and from their things just went in a lazy spiral... Claire and I somehow attracted multitudes of people just wanting to talk to us that night. We felt quite popular, although one guy did go through his life story quite thouroughly...

Saturday was kareoke night at our res - full of ♪♫♪I've...had...the time of my liiife♪♫♪, it was AMAZING. Yes, I am one of those who need to be dragged away by the end of the night, NEVER a bad thing. Then we went to our local again, for ONE drink. We ended up staying til 1:30am after trying vainly to wait for some good musci to magically appear - that said, we still managed to work up quite a jam by the end of the night...

To end things off, I'm sending lots of good karma and luck to Japan for all the multitudes of reasons for which they need it - despite being rather self-absorbed, I do try to keep them in my thoughts at least once a day. Anyone notice the periods of time between natural disasters getting exponentially shorter? I'm just saying... 


  1. Kelly. U so totally rock squirt!

    Awesome blog kiddo, if you enjoy crafty/humorous blogging checkout my personal favourite

    And I am sorry about your toe.

  2. HOpe your toe is surviving:)LOL:)

  3. Awe shucks, you makin me blush Ash:P Thanks man,it's actually really fun to write:)

    I checked out that blog and it is AWSOME - you rock my world.

    As for the toe - thanks to both of you, it is still in recovery, and can only handle soft foods for now, but it's getting better slowly.
