It's all about MEEEE!!!

My photo
Grahamstown/Durban/Johannesburg - catch me if you can..., South Africa
Lots of words rhyme with my name(hence the highly original signature above); I'm easily obsessed with anything that catches my attention; I have to have 7 ice cubes in my drink; I LOVE animals - especially my dogs, yes I do make kissy faces at them, don't hate; I'm useless at keeping up with current affairs, yet perfectly capable of keeping up with celebrity news; I hate crowds and bananas; I don't like House music; I love buying things, but i don't like throwing things away; I believe people need something to believe in; I think I know everything; If Eward existed, he would not look like Robert Pattinson, That Harry Potter epilogue destroyed everything; I bet HP is actually gay and shacks up with Draco Malfoy and finds out that Snape is his real father... ...and all those other cliched cliches. I like cake; but if you're going to bribe me, do it with chocolate. Or money.

Saturday 26 February 2011

Today This Girl dies getting Lost in Translation

What is wrong with people and communicating these days? No-one talks anymore, it's all BBM and Facebook and Twitter and mxit and emails (although Twitter's saving grace is its 140 character limit); even just the thought of talking to someone over the phone brings me out in a cold sweat. Sometimes, just to make an appointment I have to sit for 10 minutes beforehand just to figure out what I'm going to say just so I don't sound like a total dumbass. Even when people talk on Facebook, most of the time it's limited to the, 'Howdy Partner! How'd you like to be neighbours? Come and join me in Farmville where you can grow delicious fruits and vegetables on your very own farm!' notification, and apart from the disgustingly chipper tone that sounds nothing like how your friend would normally speak and awfully a lot like a cult recruiting agency, there's just something not quite right about spending 5 hours planting virtual corn to make non-existent money. And can someone please enlighten me as to what is so appealing about being buzzed every 5 seconds on BBM just so someone you hardly ever talk to can say 'Hi! <insert weird yellow smiley face with tongue sticking out>'? Blackberry's are overrated, I want my IPhone back.

Well, that concludes my rant of the day, bought to you by FMyLife... Thank you for being such a good audience. Oh wait, there's more (of me talking – not more ranting):

On another, happier note, Thursday marked the signing up of societies at my university – my intention was to join one besides the Chinese society (to which Chinese students are automatically registered) and I went there with a happy (slightly bored) heart. I'm now the proud participant of 5 societies. The sports sign-up is on Saturday, I may need to be restrained. Honestly though, some of these societies had CUPCAKES!!! I ask you, how can anyone resist a good cupcake – the one they gave me for signing up to the Anime Society even had my very own pink little 'K' smooshed onto a slightly disturbing blue iced topping – but that's just the magic of cupcakes. My friend Claire actually got a plant. No, not the plastic showy ones that people put in their offices to look 'pro-Earth-chic', an actual little plant – with weird stubby little leaves – I can't remember what it's called though, I'll have to ask later. As we've introduced a new character into this fascinating little story, I'll pause for a moment to do a little character profile... Claire came into our res a little later than the rest of us, and you know how that goes a lot of the time – people (especially girls) tend to be pack animals, once they've found their allies there's no going back and that's pretty much what happened. It was almost as if we all had the mentality that because it felt as if we'd all known each for years, Claire was suddenly 'the new girl', even me I'm a little ashamed to say. I remember the one day in the common room when we were practicing our serenades (a story for another time), looking at her as she came a kinda lost look on her face and thinking – I know how that feels – and it was really intense because I really do. That feeling of missing something completely for the simple reason that you came in at the wrong time. Even then though, I still didn't go up to her – really bad, I know, but we eventually got talking and I'm really glad we did because before that I'd been feeling a little lost myself.
Enough of the maudlin now, I have no money til next month... That's still maudlin you say? Not really, I have accommodation and food every day, and as for alcohol – well judging from last night's escapade, I don't have to worry about that for quite some time. Turns out a Zappa shot can go a long way. Ni yào kāfēi ma? Your Chinese sentence of the day and a partial study for as I have a Chinese dictation on Monday, wish me luck! As it is, life's pretty good so far, and because I'm feeling so generous, here's an extra-long Easy A quote to make up for todays somewhat boring postJ
Olive Penderghast: If he's so smart, why is your boyfriend 22 years old and still in high school?
Marianne: Because, Olive, it's His choice!
Olive Penderghast: Oh, really? His choice? He just *wants* to be repeating his senior year for, like, the fourth time 'cause he can't pass a single test?
Marianne: No, silly,
[points up]
Marianne: His. His, with a capital H. If the Good Lord had wanted Micah to graduate, he would have given him the right answers.

Saturday 19 February 2011

Today This Girl Dies of Boredom

So yesterday woke me up at 7:00am with a grunt, a snore (charming, I know) and the charming tones of BBGrooves - Interlude, a tune to which Blackberry assumes  people want to wake up. That aside, I stumbled to my feet and was somehow dressed, ready and out the door by 7:30am for my Chinese lecture at 7:45. 7:40am found me outside the door of the Geog10 classroom staring blankly at it's apparent emptiness. Chinese was at 9:35am. Computer Science was at 7:45.

It was one of those mornings.

The carnage even had the nerve to continue throughout the day - my comp sci lecturer thinks he's the coolest thing since sliced bread, I nearly fell down the stairs and the University carnival that night was a complete flop - if not for anyone else, then just me I guess... It was alright though, I had a bit of a zombie-zone-out thing going on all day, so it was all just vaguely amusing tinged with the sense that I was missing something. I did get to watch Easy A again though with one of the girls in my res, Claire, and it was as awesome as ever.:)

So aside from all my foolishness of yesterday, I'm fine, how are you? Or should I say, 'Wo hen hao Ni ne?' Chinese is probably on of the coolest things ever, despite the fact that to say some of the words in the necessary tones, some seriously weird facial expressions are required...

For all those wondering by now why I'm actually writing this blog in the first place - I'm not a celebrity (*gasp*or am I?) - the answer is predictably simple (I'm not generally a very deep person) - I have to. For Journalism 1, at some point, we have to do something like blogging, or so I'm told. So I am gracing you all with my writing presence just to get the hang of the whole thing, not being a big writer in the first place. And I just like writing about myself. That's the only reason really... And I could write about the multitudes of celebrities that have no effect on my life whatsoever (alright fine, maybe they do, just a little), a year-long project that I'll never finish or a subject that I know absolutely nothing about, but have an opinion on anyway but I like talking about myself so that's all been done to death anyway...

Enough about me though, how are you? Did you watch <Insert generic-popular-series-of-the moment here> last night? Please, do feel free to comment in the box below, I know now what all those blog writers are going through when they keep asking for comments, it feels a bit weird to just be randomly writing stuff and sending it off into the great World Wide Web...

I'll leave you with another quote today, this one again from Easy A:

"We've had nine classes together since Kindergarten... ten if you count Religion of Other Cultures, which you didn't because you called it science fiction and refused to go. "

Thursday 17 February 2011

Today This Girl dies from over-analysation

I've always found that starting something is one of the hardest things in the world (the many years that have seen me procrastinating right up until the last minute can attest to that) so you must understand that this first post is quite the achievement. Especially after all the niggling over the small details of the blog layout, colours, etc,etc,etc... Really unnecessary considering I'm supposed to be working.

So, getting down to business, this fantastic little blog exists for the sole purpose of chronicling the life and many indecisions of your truly. Who is 'yours truly'? I'm glad you asked, I've been dying to talk about me all along. Well, for starters there's a neat little fast run-through-answer of that very question at the top of this page; as for more, I'll start with the usual - my name is Kelly, yes I have Facebook, yes I have Twitter, yes I have BBM. Funny how those last three affirmations are all you really need to know - in fact you don't even need to carry on reading, you can just find out the rest of my name and proceed with the Facebook-stalking; which is why I shall henceforth forever be known as just - Kelly; unless my mother is reading this, in which case it doesn't matter coz she Face-stalks me anyway. Even though the single name, considering the success of Beyonce/Adele/Madonna/Rihanna, is actually a good thing, I'll probably end up giving the game away at some point. On the right is my Twitter feed, you're welcome to stalk me there along with all the other strange characters declaring themselves to be 'young, hot and ready for action', and because I have a little techno geek bounding around in my brain, there'll also be a few gadgets hanging around the page - Youtube videos, etc; and I'm definitely not giving out my BBM pin, that's just inviting disaster...

As for the rest of the basics, I could be an 80 year gap-toothed man with a good-sized paunch going on and you wouldn't know the difference if I told you otherwise, but I'll tell you that I'm an almost-twenty-something student doing a Bachelor of Journalism at a certain University in sunny South Africa anyway.

So, if I've managed to keep you mildly entertained for this long, then that can be my major achievement of the day (sad considering I had a long to-do list of important university related stuff) and I can sign off with a little quote from the movie I'm currently hooked on, and which fits the current weather and mood in general of my little sphere of consciousness because 'I've gotta pocket, got a pocket full of sunshine; I've got a love and it's all mine, oh, uwooo...'.

Yes I did just quote Natasha Beddingfield, but it's from Easy A so that makes it okay - feel free to sing long.